Have Questions About Denver’s ADU Zoning Changes? I Can Help!

Denver recently made it easier to build accessory dwelling units (ADUs) across the city in order to address housing shortage issues and encourage new housing construction.

While there are still some nuances to work out, and specific rules for individual properties, the basic gist is that zoning for ADUs has expanded to include all residential areas of Denver.

Denver defines ADUs as “self-contained, smaller living spaces with their own kitchen, bath, and sleeping area that are an extension of an existing property, either attached or detached. They are often called mother-in-law suites, granny flats, casitas, backyard cottages, garage apartments or basement apartments.”

If you want to understand how this affects you, I’m happy to help! Here are some of the things we can talk about if you call / email / text me to set up a convo:

How to build an ADU

I have lots of contacts in the construction industry that can help you navigate the process of building an ADU. While the new rules allow ADUs, there are still many additional questions of lot size, property lines, and other local regulations and requirements that you need to be aware of. 

The impact on your home value

Lots that previously were not allowed to have ADUs may now have increased property value. Lots that previously were allowed to have ADUs may see a slight reduction now that there is more parity across the city. These changes may affect your purchasing power, or your future plans. I always love talking about your real estate hopes and dreams to see what kinds of plans we can put in place to help achieve them!

Innovative programs through West Denver Renaissance Collaborative

The WDRC has a unique ADU Pilot Program that works with homeowners to develop affordable ADUs that provide housing to people in the community, lowering the up front costs and streamlining the process in exchange for a commitment to rent the unit according to certain rules. It’s a unique way to do good for the neighborhood while expanding your home.

I love that Denver is trying to make the joys of home ownership more accessible to more people, and I am here to help you make your home ownership dreams come true!


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